With my cell phone, information just a few taps away, so whenever I have a question about anything, my first instinct is always to reach for my cell phone to Google search it. In this way, I noticed I have become more interested in how things work, and asked a lot more questions about things that I normally take for granted. For example, the other day while I was sitting in my boyfriend's car a random question came to mind, why are roads made with asphalt when most sidewalks are cement? With a few taps on my phone, I was able to find out that paving a road in cement is much more expensive and takes much longer for curing which means we would have to wait much longer before being able to drive on those roads again. With this ease of access to information, you could even say that I've begun to think in a different way where I question things much more, as the boy at the end of the video describes.
(I am using a generic image of my cell phone because my actual phone's screen is cracked pretty badly.)
My laptop, similarly to my cell phone, has made information much more accessible. However, the main purpose for my laptop has been school, including processing required for this course. My laptop goes nearly everywhere on campus with me in the neat cover that I have for it. In fact, this is my sixth online course that I've taken in my educational career, so having a laptop has definitely impacted the way that I not only learn, but attend classes! I have found that online classes for me have been easier to keep up with, as I can do the work on my own time. It's also been more comfortable because I have access to all of my favorite tools within my laptop as I do my course work. However, I mainly use my laptop for its internet browsing capabilities, especially for online shopping. Especially during my undergrad years where I didn't have a car, the majority of my shopping was done online. I'm also a huge Netflix user, so I use my laptop for streaming shows and movies. I've noticed recently that whenever I'm eating a meal at home, I can't seem to begin eating until I've got my laptop and a show all queued and ready to watch as I eat.
Lastly, my Kindle has dramatically changed the amount and ability to read books! I no longer need large book shelves to store all the books that I read, instead it all gets stored on a single device which saves me tons of space at home. With the expansive library of books available to me on the Kindle bookstore, I don't miss any good book titles and I can even still mark up the text as I need. My Kindle has allowed me to buy books for my classes at a decreased price, and even includes search features in the text so I can find exact quotes in class discussions! One of the students in the video mentions using technology to learn new languages, well with the right book selection, I can read a book to learn to cook something new, to change a fixture in my house, or even how to use technology!